Event methods

Provides operations for making requests on events

  • AddAttendee

    Adds an attendee and their guests (if any) to a specified event session. Event ID and session ID are always required. Remaining data is matched and validated according to the rules specified by the result of GetControls API method. "Make Test Call" does not support non-anonymous guest registration. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • GetAllInvitees

    Gets all invitees from specific event or session. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • GetAttendees

    Gets attendees for event. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • GetControls

    Gets event registration form controls as configured in event registration form editor. Build your own event registration form by including all these controls and following what their properties define. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • GetEventParticipantStatus

    Get status for all participants of an event. Returns the EventId, EventName, RecipientId, EmailAddress, ExternalId, EventParticipantStatus (which can be Registered, WaitingList, CheckedIn, Decline, Cancel, NotRegistered), RgistrationDate, StatusUpdatedDate, EventSessionId, EventSessionName and Guests. Guests refer to the number of anonymous guests an event participant has added. Works only with Event 2.0 which is now DEPRECATED (Queued method)

  • GetEvents

    Get a list of all events on the account. Includes the EventId, EventName, EventTitle, CreatedDate and UpdatedDate. Disabled (true/false) indicates if the event is enabled or not. Works only with Event 2.0 which is now DEPRECATED (Direct method)

  • GetEventSessionAttendee

    Gets attendee for event session. If "Allow registration of additional guests" and "Request guest details in form" are both enabled then non-anonymous attendee guests are included in the response. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • GetEventsWithSessions

    Gets all events with their sessions. Includes: events registration settings, session registration settings and session parameters. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • GetEventWithSessions

    Gets a specific event with its sessions. Includes: event registration settings, session registration settings and session parameters. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • GetOptionsDataCategories

    Gets options data categories for given event. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • RegisterAttendee

    Registers an attendee and their guests (if any) to a specified event session. Event ID and session ID are always required. Remaining data is matched and validated according to the rules specified by the result of GetControls API method. "Make Test Call" does not support non-anonymous guest registration. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • UpdateAttendee

    Updates attendee to a specified event session. Event id, session id and attendee id are required. Remaining data is matched and validated according to the rules specified by the result of GetControls API method Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)

  • UpdateAttendeeStatus

    Updates attendee status. Works with Event 3.0 or newer (Direct method)