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Return a paginated list of all the sendings for this account See code examples

URL Parameters

Http verb: GET
URI: Full url:{pageNumber}/size/{pageSize}
URL parameters:
pageNumberStringThe page in the resultset to return, starts with 1
pageSizeStringThe size of each page resultset, minimum 1

Body parameters

Body parameters
Not used


Body parameters
A response object which includes the paginated result, status code and a message.

Code Int32 The response Code.
Message String The response Message.
The Send queue item

SendQueueId Int32 The SendqueueId
NewsletterId Int32 The newsletterId
NewsletterName String The newslettername
MailinglistId List
The mailinglistId
MailinglistName List
The name of the mailinglist that was used
SendDate DateTime The date the sending was made
StatusCode Int32 The status code, 0 1 2 3
StatusMessage String The statusmessage
NewsletterSubject String Newsletter Subject
FilterId Int32 The Id of the filter
FilterName String The name of the Filter
FromName String From who the sending was made
FromEmail String From which email the sending was made
Body Example


Code examples