Transactional methods

Provides operations for making requests on Transactional methods.

  • GetTransactionalBounces

    Get bounces for a specific Transactional project, optionally by date interval. The following date format is valid: yyyyMMddTHHmmss. Also returns the parameter ”ExternalID” which allows you to map results with external data sources.

  • GetTransactionalClicks

    Get clicks for a specific Transactional project, optionally by date interval. The following date format is valid: yyyyMMddTHHmmss. Also returns the parameter ”ExternalID” which allows you to map results with external data sources.

  • GetTransactionalOpens

    Get opens for a specific Transactional project, optionally by date interval. The following date format is valid: yyyyMMddTHHmmss. Also returns the parameter ”ExternalID” which allows you to map results with external data sources.

  • GetTransactionalProjects

    Returns all Transactional projects on an account. Includes information about the NewsletterID, E-mail subject, Created date etc.

  • GetTransactionResult

    Get results from a Transactional Email send-out (the TransactionID is returned in response when SendTransactionalEmail has been called successfully). Also returns demographic data fields and the HTML field (optional), and the parameter ”ExternalID” which allows you to map results with external data sources.

  • SendTransactionalEmail

    Sends a Transactional e-mail to one e-mail address. Allows for use of ExternalID as an input since Transactional results methods also returns this ID in addition to information about opens, clicks etc. Total max size of included attachment 1 MB. All attachments size could not be more than 2 MB. Supported attachment format is PDF.